Build, deploy & manage
Nuxt apps that scale.
Deploy your Nuxt apps at low cost and with ease, ensuring lightning-fast performance for your users anywhere on the planet.
Ship faster with our built-in full-stack features: AI, Database, Files Storage, KV, Caching and more.
Automatic scaling
Traffic is routed and load balanced across thousands of servers. Sleep well as your Nuxt app scales.
Exceptionally affordable
First 100k requests/day are free. Cloudflare paid plan starts at $5 for 10 million monthly requests.
Performant global network
Your app is deployed on the entire edge network and runs within milliseconds of your users.
Data Protection
We ensure your data is protected and any tokens are securely stored with a 3 factor encryption process.
Deploy a Nuxt application in one minute.
You also get a free domain.
Link your Cloudflare account
Create an API token on Cloudflare with our pre-filled template.
Create a Nuxt app
Start from our templates or import your GitHub repository.
Deploy it
Run the nuxthub deploy command or use the Cloudflare Pages CI/CD.
Share it to the world
Get insights and manage your storage in NuxtHub.

Tailored features for Nuxt developers
Hybrid Rendering
API Routes
Global CDN
Edge Rendering
Auto Scaling
Instant Rollbacks
Preview Deployments
Custom Domains
Environment variables
Automatic HTTPS
Real-time logs
Import from git
Your full-stack companion.
Making it too easy to ship your full-stack Nuxt applications.
A Scalable SQL Database

Add & Manage File Uploads

A Global Key-Value Database

Works locally as a team with shared data

Testimonials from early adopters
Cloudflare’s Workers LaunchPad
Nuxt on Cloudflare infra with minimal effort - this is huge!
Evan You
Author of Vue.js and Vite.
I love the polish and the batteries-included approach. NuxtHub takes web framework and hosting integration to a new level!
Igor Minar
Software Engineer at Cloudflare
NuxtHub is hands down the easiest way to get a project from zero to production on the Cloudflare stack!
Charlie Hield
Senior Creative Technologist
I can't find an excuse to not go full-stack with Nuxt from now on. Ship fast the Nuxt way, zero config. Just plug & deploy.
Israel Ortuño
Co-founder of VueJobs
Took me less than 90 seconds to deploy an app with DB, KV, File storage and Caching, all on the edge with just a single command.
Fayaz Ahmed
Indie Hacker
Nuxt is becoming the best framework for bootstrappers imo. NuxtHub is a layer on top of Cloudflare services for cheap & fast full-stack edge hosting.
Tommy J. Vedvik
UX Developer
I love how NuxtHub combines, amplifies and simplifies the Cloudflare tooling with the wide and mature Nuxt ecosystem. I cannot wait to see how it will evolve and expand in the future!
Dario Piotrowicz
Web Developer at Cloudflare
Just deployed my first site to Cloudflare using NuxtHub. Very sleek experience!
Markus Oberlehner
Web Developer
It's amazing to be able to run a single command and get existing Nuxt project deployed on edge within minutes! It felt like unlocking the missing infrastructure and UI for Cloudflare, enhancing the developer experience in such an extraordinary way.
Anthony Fu
Core team Vue.js, Vite & Nuxt
NuxtHub and Cloudflare are my go to for full stack apps. The DX is joyous and far superior to any other platform I've used. My team is able to iterate quickly, and build beautiful, performant apps with ease.
Jonathan Beckman
Founder of GuaranTee Time
At YG, our team recently grew and that meant more seats on all the tools we use. Migrating our hosting workflow to NuxtHub not only took just a few minutes but saved us money from our previous provider. NuxtHub provides an excellent management layer on top of our infrastructure and we’re super happy about the move!
Eckhardt Dreyer
Lead Developer at YG